A woman of passion, Ginette Morneau was born in Bury, a small village in the Eastern Townships region of Quebec (Canada), the youngest of seven children. From an early age, she takes pleasure in drawing over and over again all the Disney characters she loves. She marries at 19. Of this union, two beautiful girls will be born.
Family, respect, and sharing are fundamental values in Ginette Morneau’s life. She studies graphic design at Cégep de Sainte-Foy, where she discovers with fascination the many facets of art: drawing with live model, technical drawing, design, and even photography. She later pursues her training by attending several visual arts workshops led by renowned artists.
In 1998, she travels to the Philippines as part of a humanitarian trip that will mark a turning point in her life. She is touched to her very soul by the beauty of those women from another place, another culture, and by what she sees in their eyes. Giving form to the beauty and humanity of the world is what transcends from her paintings and their many-coloured drippings.
Ginette Morneau has close to twenty individual exhibitions to her credit throughout Canada. Her works are now also exhibited in the United States and Europe, including Belgium, Spain and France. She has received many prizes and mentions for her work. Her paintings also hang in private collections in Canada.
« I like to let the painting speak for itself; I am only its interpreter. »
« To me, painting is a moment of richness, a celebration of life! »
— Ginette Morneau